Loved by learners and educators alike

See what students and staff say about Glean.

"I am not stressed in class anymore. I am more confident in asking questions. I'm able to listen to what my professor says and because I know my phone or my tablet or my computer has my back and recording my class."
"Students using Glean are in charge of their learning and become independent notetakers. Glean allowed us to take peer notetakers out of the equation."
"The Glean software has been substantial in helping me with my learning. My grades have dramatically improved; I'm now an A student."
"We saw Glean as a chance to overcome the hurdle of having so many different notetaking accommodations. Every student should get Glean; it’s a game changer."

How could Glean benefit you and your students?

Create confident, independent learners

Glean allows students to record, playback, and add notes at their own pace, as well as encouraging returning to notes for further study.

We’ll help your students get up to speed with our Live Tutorials programme - and at the same time take the pressure off of your onboarding processes.

Glean benefit - Focus Timer

Eliminate the stress of peer note taking

Glean is easy to implement and manage, with the ability to bulk upload and track usage on an individual basis. All eligible users can be set up in just a few clicks, ensuring your accommodations can be in place from day one. 

We’ll provide bespoke training sessions to help your staff learn how to use Glean.

Glean benefit - Eliminate the stress of peer note taking

Support all learners

Whether students prefer to learn by audio, transcript, or their own notes, Glean provides a wide variety of options to help all learners create personal study resources that work for them.

Glean benefit - supporting learners

Find out how Glean can help

If you're ready to learn more, our team is always on hand to share pricing info and discuss your department's needs.
Book a call

Watch a demo of Glean in action

Eager for more? Watch a short demo of Glean here and see what it could do for you.
Watch a demo
Book a call to find out how Glean can help
Watch a demo of Glean in action

So, does Glean actually work?

We reached out to our users with a survey
to find out whether their grades had improved since they began using Glean.

Nearly 400 responded, but what did they say?

Find out here.

84 %
85 %
81 %
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BLOG_grades whitepaper HERO
Read the report

Glean supports learners at over 750 institutions globally

university_of_michigan_Logo dartmouth uni-hong-kong uni-adelaide trinity-college-dublin FSU_logo_stacked_RGB_black SNOWstackedBLULogo
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Could you provide Glean for all students on campus?

New for 2024, our Glean Site Wide package enables you to:

  • Drive accessibility for all with UDL principles
  • Support students that aren't requesting help (but really need it)
  • Enable more students to achieve better grades with Glean's proven learning process
Learn more

New features from Glean!

We're always developing new features to make our users' lives better.

Get a glimpse of the latest additions to Glean.

New Glean features - shared collections
Shared Collections

Shared Collections are a way of providing peer note-taking support via Glean.

Notetakers can effortlessly share a set of notes to the student recipient directly through the user interface.

New Glean features - Flexible Layouts
Flexible Layouts

Flexible Layouts give users the ability to personalise their Glean set-up and tailor their view depending on whether they’re recording, adding notes, or studying an Event.

For instance, a student might want to minimise distractions while recording, then add the transcript after class while building out their notes.

Questions? We have answers!

Interested in knowing how Glean could help your department?

We’re proud of what we’ve built