Independent note taking starts here

Learn vital life-long skills without relying on others to take notes for you.

Lots of students experience barriers to learning

WEBVEC ICO_mh fall behind
Struggles with organisation and concentration
WEBVEC ICO_mh overwhelm
Information processing, cognitive overload, and connecting materials to prior learning
WEBVEC ICO_mh concentrate
Relying on others to take notes for you

85% of students feel more confident using Glean



Take notes your way

Feel confident you can capture everything from class and study independently.

Capture everything and engage in the moment

  • Never miss any class content again by recording everything and matching it up with the lecture slides.
  • Label key moments to return to, and highlight sections that require a second read-through.
  • Lightning Mode reduces cognitive overload.
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Easily return at your own pace

  • Playback and repeat sections as often as needed.
  • Add more detail through extra notes, images, definitions, and more.
  • Organise classes into collections so they are easy to find.

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Engage with content your way

  • Generate a transcript after class if you prefer reading.
  • Adjust playback speed.
  • Apply audio filters to boost clarity.
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Glean supports learners at over 750 institutions globally

university_of_michigan_Logo dartmouth uni-hong-kong uni-adelaide trinity-college-dublin FSU_logo_stacked_RGB_black SNOWstackedBLULogo

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Give Glean to your students

Confident note takers make confident students. Whether with a small group of students or the entire campus, we’ll help you achieve your organization’s learning goals with Glean.

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