How does Transcription work in Glean?

Our Transcription feature allows you to convert any of your audio recordings into text.

This gives you the ability to record an entire lecture with Glean, and then opt to convert the whole recording into text after it’s finished.

Therefore, you’re free to fully engage in class, then refine your understanding later when you review your notes.
Key details about Transcription

Key details about Transcription

  • Enables you to transcribe audio after class to help refine your understanding of class info
  • Only available on Glean’s web app
  • Internet connection is required at the time of transcription

How does Transcription add value to your class recordings?

Will you choose to listen back or read through? Transcription with Glean gives you a complete record of everything said in your classes in audio or text formats, so you control how you interact with information.

Refine your understanding

Refine your understanding

Using Glean’s Transcription product feature, you can refine your understanding of captured information by engaging with labelled audio in a more meaningful way.

Engage fully in class

Engage fully in class

With Glean working its magic on capturing live audio, you can engage fully in class, knowing that you can refine information in a meaningful way later on.

Be selective with information

Be selective with information

Be selective with the information you focus on. Use the transcript to interact with text associated with your labelled audio to reduce information overload.



Here are some answers to questions you might already have about Transcription in Glean.

How long does it take to generate a transcript?
It takes around 5 minutes to generate a transcript for every hour of recording. There's no need to stay connected to Glean once you've requested a transcript - it appear when you next log in. 

Do I need to be connected to the internet?
You will need to be connected to the internet to request and download a transcript, but you can safely disconnect or visit other web pages while the transcript is generating.


Can I transcribe languages other than English?
At present, Glean only supports English transcriptions.

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