Group your Glean Events by class, credit, professor or any other category with Collections.

Step 1: Creating a Collection

Let’s say you want to group your recordings by subject. Go to the Glean home page and click the Collections tab on the left. Click ‘New Collection’.

Creating a Collection

At the top, add your Collection name (in this case ‘Cryogenics’).


You can now add all relevant classes to this collection.

Repeat this step to create as many collections as you need for the semester.


Step 2: Add your Events to Collections

From the dashboard, find an Event you want to move into a Collection. Click the options toggle to the right.

Select ‘Move Event’.

Move Event

Select the Collection you want to move it to.

Voila! Keep going and you’ll soon have all your Events in the right place.

Step 3: Deleting Collections

If you’ve made a collection by mistake (or just want to reorganize), you can delete it by opening the Collection and clicking the options toggle at the top right of the screen.

Deleting Collections

Follow the prompts to delete the collection. But don’t worry - as you’ll see on the pop-up window, deleting a collection will not delete its events.

Deleting Collections

‘Umm… sorry, what?!’

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