Useful Documents & Webpages
Whether you're new to Glean or you've been with us a while, we know that sometimes questions come up that you don't have the answer to. We've put all of our useful documents and webpages in one place so that you can find what you need easily.
Can't find what you're looking for? Ask your Customer Success Manager if we can make a document for you. Some of these pages were requested by institution admins!

Documents and webpages
Accessibility is a vital part of our product. Click here if you want to learn more about how we evidence our accessibility
▶ Accessibility glossary webpage
This webpage is a list of all features that improve accessibility. Use the glossary to see how Glean can help your students!
▶ Supporting students with visual impairment
We wanted to make it easy for you to know what Glean can do to support your students with visual impairment. This is a question that comes up frequently, so we hope it helps!
About Glean
▶ Learning technology built differently
This page overs useful insights into how Glean is built, and why it is the #1 note taking accommodations tool. Useful for conversations at renewal!
Thinking about upgrading to site wide and want some key information for those conversations? Check out some of the reasons for making the switch here.