Odira, the meeting note taker


As a business data analyst for the NHS, Odira spends a lot of time in meetings and workshops. Odira struggled with trying to lead and participate in meetings while also taking notes. Even if someone else led the meeting, Odira felt like she struggled to create good notes. Fortunately, that changed when Odira discovered Glean. 

"When I run workshops and meetings, [now] I need to just focus on the agenda and the item at hand, and then I can use Glean in the background to record what needs doing."

Why Odira recommends Glean

  • You don't have to split your attention between the meeting and taking notes.
  • You can produce better quality notes because everything is captured.
  • It's easy to transcribe, enrich notes and share them with colleagues. 

How Glean helps Odira take notes at work 

glean at work_more effective working

Glean for Professionals

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