From exam stress to exam success!

Jordan, a medical student, was struggling to keep up with lectures. His unique learning style meant he often got caught up in the details, forgetting key points, and feeling overwhelmed.

Enter Glean. It was a game-changer from the get-go.

“I can take a photo of it and then I can just copy and paste it into there, which again is a lifesaver.”

With Glean, Jordan effortlessly uploads lecture handouts, ensuring he's always ready when class starts. He even snaps photos of slides with his phone and seamlessly integrates them into his notes, eliminating the frustration of hunting for missing visuals later.

But the real magic for Jordan was Glean's AI-powered QuizMe feature.

“Part of me felt so disappointed that [QuizMe] hadn’t been there a year ago, because I spent so much time writing all these questions, and when I saw when I actually used the AI question generator, it was just brilliant.”

No more hours wasted crafting revision questions. QuizMe does the heavy lifting, generating insightful questions tailored to his notes. The result? Deeper understanding, better retention, and a newfound confidence and impact Glean has had on Jordan's academic journey is undeniable.

“One [exam] right before Glean when I first started using it was, was a paper exam. I just felt as if I hadn’t covered things and I was looking through notes, I didn’t know how to revise. And then my exam after I’d learned how to use Glean, was transformational. I was, if I remember correctly, in the top ten of the year so I performed very well on it.”

The transformation is clear, from struggling with revision and feeling unprepared to acing exams and landing in the top 10% of his class. Glean didn't just make note taking easier, it empowered Jordan to become a more confident and successful learner.

Why Jordan recommends Glean

  • Glean's easy photo integration helps him create comprehensive notes, capturing visual information alongside text.
  • Glean transformed Jordan's study habits, boosting his confidence and leading to top 10 exam results.
  • QuizMe saves Jordan a lot of time creating revision questions, he even uses them to teach other students how to prepare for exams and revise!


Hear from Jordan directly:


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