Simplify online learning

A seamlessly integrated side panel

Our Chrome Extension makes it easy to capture notes from browser tabs, whether you’re recording a live lecture on Zoom, a module from an online course or a video on YouTube.

Open the side panel to create a new event. From there you’ll be able to take notes, add labels, take screenshots, insert slides and more. Once you’re done, end the recording and head back to the Glean app to review existing recordings, enhance your notes, and use our study tools like Quiz Me and Focus Timer!

Chrome Extension Illustration

Created with students in mind

Recorded lectures and online learning are fantastic for two key things: catching up and improving accessibility for all students. Our extension can benefit anybody learning online or using video content, particularly supporting:

  • Those with short-term absences due to illness or injury
  • Students with mental health conditions that make it harder to participate in lectures
  • Learners with disabilities that may make it harder to have full attendance
  • ESL students watching lectures back to minimize the language barrier.

To improve learning online

60% of students use online learning in some capacity, and an even larger 90% use online videos to supplement their learning. The new Chrome Extension makes Glean more user friendly for these students.



Glean supports learners at over 750 institutions globally

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