Beyond the barriers of handwriting

Stuart, an IT administrator for a steel fabrication engineering firm, always excelled at hands-on learning but struggled with traditional academic approaches. When an opportunity arose to take a management course, he underwent a dyslexia assessment, which led to a formal diagnosis. This revelation opened up a world of support, including access to assistive software like Glean.

“[My handwriting] is just awful to the point I write notes, I can’t even read my own notes. So in that sense, note taking just opened up a whole new world for me.”

Glean's intuitive note taking capabilities made a huge change for Stuart. No longer hindered by his illegible handwriting, he could finally capture his thoughts and ideas clearly and efficiently.

"[Note taking is] just so much easier as well. So, at times you feel like: "Am I cheating? No, I'm not cheating, it's just all my notes".

The combination of recording lectures and meetings, alongside taking notes, proved to be a powerful tool for Stuart when he found the volume of content overwhelming. He could easily review complex information, ensuring he never missed a crucial detail.

“There's just a big information dump and I'm just like, I don't I don't even know what you're talking about. But at least then I can go back, transcribe it as well so I can read it if I want to, or have a listen back and then figure out what's going on from there.”

Glean seamlessly integrated into both Stuart's professional and personal life. From management courses and work meetings to legal consultations and family matters, Glean became his go-to tool for capturing and understanding important information.

“when the timing needs or if there's something like important [Glean has] helped me out, it really has. It's like I can't, I can't really fault it.”

Glean has helped Stuart overcome the difficulties caused by his dyslexia, making it easier for him to understand complex information and effectively participate in important situations where clear communication is key.




Hear from Stuart directly:


ILL_ADMIN files people organise

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