Boost your grades (and confidence!) with Glean, an intuitive note taking and study tool designed for better learning

What can you do with Glean? πŸ€”

Create powerful, all-in-one study notes that are easy to learn from.

Click the arrows to discover some of Glean's tools:


site wide features 1
Record your lectures

In person or virtually. On your laptop, tablet or phone. Online or offline. Wherever your learning takes you!

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Focus in class
With Live Captions and Transcription, you will never miss a word again.
site wide features 3
Add classroom visuals
Give yourself all the context you need by adding lecture slides, PDF documents, web images, definitions, and photos.
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Study effectively
With handwritten notes, diagrams and AI generated quizzes, Glean can help you maximize your learning.

Where can you use Glean?

Most students use Glean in lectures, but learning sometimes happens in different places.

Online or offline, and as long as you have a phone, tablet, or computer, Glean lets you take your learning wherever you go.


How to get started?

I'm so glad you asked 😌 Here are the three simple steps you need to take:

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sitewide steps 3
sitewide steps 3

Join thousands of students worldwide who trust Glean to empower them with note taking excellence!

Did I mention it’s free?

Want to know more about how to study effectively and better learning? Check out our free resources!