Status Legend

  • Scheduled - Issue has been scheduled to be fixed in the target quarter
  • Validation - We are waiting for our fix to be tested and validated by Level Access
  • Partially Fixed - Issue has been partially resolved or the impact has been reduced
  • Fixed - Issue has been fully resolved

1.3.1 Info and Relationships

Status: Partially Fixed

Field Labels

Status: Scheduled Q2 2025


The preferred name field in the account popup is not programmatically associated with its field label. Instead the label is provided using the aria-label attribute.

This results in screen reader users hearing the field label twice. Below is an example announcement from VoiceOver on macOS;

Preferred Name
Steven Milne, insertion at end of text, Preferred Name, required, edit text

People impacted;

  • People using a screen reader

Using Placeholders as Field Labels

Status: Scheduled Q4 2025


Many fields in Glean do not have a dedicated label and instead use the placeholder text as a label.

Using placeholder text as a label means that the label is no longer visible once text has been entered into the field. This means that a person must remember which field is which, if they forget they are forced to delete the value of a field to see the placeholder again.

People impacted;

  • People with cognitive impairments

Implicit List Markup

Status: Partially Fixed


Some dropdown menus and some toolbars are not marked up as lists in Glean.

Marking these up as lists gives extra announcements to screen readers so that they are aware of how many items are in the list. Screen readers also have extra navigation features for jumping around lists and skipping items. Currently a person using a screen reader would not know how many items are in a dropdown until they have navigated to each item.

People impacted;

  • People using a screen reader

3.3.2 Labels or Instructions

Status: Scheduled Q4 2024

Sorting Options

Status: Scheduled Q2 2025


The sorting options picker shown on the collections page and tasks panel do not show visible labels. Instead the value is used to suggest the purpose.

This means that people will need to use context to determine what this field does. People who use voice control will not know the name of the field which prevents them from interacting with it.

People impacted;

  • People with cognitive impairments
  • People who use voice control

Toolbar Buttons and Dropdowns

Status: Partially Fixed


The dropdown and toggle buttons on the main navigation bar do not show visible labels.

People who use voice control will not know the name of the button which prevents them from interacting with it.

People impacted;

  • People who use voice control

4.1.2 Name, Role, Value

Event Page



The dropdown menus on the event page do not communicate that they open a menu when clicked or even if the menu is open. This means a screen reader user will not be aware that a button opens a dropdown menu before they click it.

People impacted;

  • People using a screen reader

1.4.10 Reflow

Status: Partially Fixed

Events Page

Status: Partially Fixed


Some screens in Glean do not reflow enough to support a screen width of 320 pixels.

This means that users of such small screens will need to use both horizontal and vertical scrolling to see and use all content. In some cases fields will be too small to see the full value if that value is long.

People impacted;

  • People with low vision


Status: Scheduled Q3 2025


Some screens in Glean do not reflow enough to support a screen width of 320 pixels.

This means that users of such small screens will need to use both horizontal and vertical scrolling to see and use all content. In some cases fields will be too small to see the full value if that value is long.

People impacted;

  • People with low vision

1.4.11 Non-text Contrast

Login Screen

Status: Partially Fixed

Login Screen with Google SSO highlighted
This means that people who have low vision may not see where the button starts and ends which can make it difficult to click on or interact with the mouse.

People impacted;

  • People with low vision
  • Anybody using the app in a bright environment

1.4.12 Text Spacing

Google SSO

Status: Scheduled Q1 2025

Sign in page with Google SSO highlighted with spaced text.

The “Sign in with Google” button on the login screen will overflow and hide behind other content when text spacing is increased.

This makes it difficult to understand what the button does as part of its label will be cut off.

People impacted;

  • People with low vision
  • People with dyslexia