Accommodations in the digital age

Transforming YouTube into a Powerful Study Tool with Interactive Notes

Discover the Future of Learning: See how this innovative approach, harnessing the collaborative power of video and interactive notes engages students and supports learning on their terms, supporting learning outside class. 

Empower your students with personalized and engaging learning experiences, accessible anywhere and anytime.

Let Glean elevate your students' learning journey by making them adaptable, self-directed, and empowered learners.

25th October 2023, 12:00PM (US Eastern Time)

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How might students use Glean with YouTube? 

  • Glean allows students to highlight, annotate, and bookmark important parts of YouTube videos for easy review, enhancing critical thinking and concept retention.
  • Glean Notes extends YouTube's collaborative discussions, enabling peers to share and enrich a collective knowledge base with diverse perspectives and analyses.
Unlock a new world of learning with Glean and YouTube. Elevate your study sessions with collaborative, in-depth analysis – join our webinar to see it in action!

Our panel

Mais Wilsher

Senior Account Executive

Aneesha Aslam

Marketing Executive

Hear from students: How Glean transforms learning


of the 'at-risk' students have reported a significant boost in their confidence when it comes to preparing for exams and tests.


of the students say that using Glean has played a pivotal role in boosting their self-Confidence, ultimately enhancing their overall academic performance.

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