Accommodations in the digital age

The role of AI in education: Striking the balance between assistance and independence

In this session, we'll explore how to find a balance between AI assistance to enhance learning whilst still encouraging the importance of independent learning.

Original broadcast date:

5th December 2023, 12:00PM (US Eastern Time)

BLOG_study tools available for students HERO
Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used in education, from personalized tutoring to summarizing academic papers. 

Session 3 of our webinar series “accommodations in the digital age” we will explore how disability services can help learners find a balance between AI assistance to enhance learning whilst still encouraging the importance of independent learning. 

Key topics we’ll discuss during the session:
  • The rise of artificial intelligence in education
  • How AI can help build a scaffolded learning process and assist learners to improve learning outcomes
  • Finding the right balance of when to leverage AI in the learning environment
  • The future of AI in education and how it affects disability services

Our panel

Dave Casey

AI Product Lead

Aneesha Aslam

Marketing Executive

What do students say about Glean?

of ‘at risk’ students feel more confident in preparing for exams and tests.
of the students say that using Glean has helped them to become more confident in their studies.

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