
The evolution of Student Success - a 2024 state of the nation

Gain insights from expert practitioners on adapting strategies for student success in a changing landscape. 


12th September 2024, 12:00PM (US Eastern Time)

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The landscape of higher education is rapidly changing. Are you prepared to adapt your student success strategies accordingly?

Join us for an insightful discussion on the evolving role of student success professionals. Our panel of expert practitioners will delve into the current challenges and opportunities they face at their higher education institutions, including:

  • Why some are moving beyond focusing on graduation rates (a student ‘surviving’ education), and looking to help students ‘thrive’
  • The different support needs of the "new majority learner"
  • Innovative initiatives driving student success on their campuses
  • Strategies for adapting to a changing higher education landscape

Don't miss this chance to gain valuable insights and connect with colleagues in the field.

Our panel


Amy Buechler-Steubing

Associate Vice Provost for Strategic Initiatives and Learning Innovation at The University of Texas San Antonio


Tammy Wyatt

Senior Vice Provost for Student Success at The University of Texas San Antonio


April Belback

Associate Vice Provost for Student Success and Advising at The University of Pittsburgh

What do students say about Glean?

of students say they can better manage information overload using Glean.
of students say that they are a more confident learner.
of students said that Glean helped them achieve better grades.

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