
Live student panel: How Glean improved their grades

Join us for a student panel (originally recorded live) and discuss how the personal study app has allowed them to become independent learners.

Original broadcast date:

24th April 2024, 11:00AM (US Eastern Time)

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Join us as we host a live student panel discussion all about how students have transformed the way they learn using Glean.

We’ll be deep-diving into why students have moved away from traditional note taking and how the personal study app has allowed them to become independent learners.

You will get the opportunity to hear directly from students about their personal experiences with Glean. Find out how it has helped them achieve academic success, how much it has boosted their confidence and if they think it has made learning more accessible.

Questions that will be asked during the session will include:

  • What were some of the learning challenges you were facing before using Glean?
  • How has Glean helped you to become a better learner?
  • Are there any specific features or tools that you found particularly helpful?
  • Have you used any other study apps or tools in the past, and if so, how does Glean compare?

Also including a Q&A at the end where live attendees asked the students their questions.

Our panel


Aneesha Aslam

Senior Marketing Executive

What do students say about Glean?

of students say they can better manage information overload using Glean.
of students say that they are a more confident learner.
of students said that Glean helped them achieve better grades.

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