
How to reach the 65% of students with disabilities who need your support

We’ll look at how institutions have been working to reach the 65% who don’t self-advocate, through advocating for UDL and providing AT across campus.

10th July 2024, 12:00PM (US Eastern Time)

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Disability Services offices do an incredible job of helping students to gain equitable access to learning, and empowering students to learn independently. 

But, despite best efforts, even the most hard-working office is unlikely to provide support to all the students who need it - because only 35% of students who know they have a disability self-advocate.

Why are students not accessing the support available? How can you help them get the support they need?

In this webinar, we’ll look at how institutions have been working to reach the 65% who don’t self-advocate, through advocating for UDL, partnering with other departments, and even providing AT across campus.

Sign up now for free and secure your spot for the live session. Following the webinar, you'll get access to the full recording to watch the session back and a copy of the slide deck sent straight to your inbox!

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