
Glean is a game changer at Portland State University

Portland State University's Disability Resource Center has witnessed a transformative shift with the integration of Glean, a cutting-edge note taking solution designed to empower students. The enthusiasm for Glean is rapidly growing among students, marking a significant milestone in inclusive education.

Hear how PSU has revolutionised their note taking support.

Original broadcast date:

22nd March 2023, 12:00PM (US Eastern Time)

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Glean has been a huge game changer for Portland State University’s Disability Resource Center. Student uptake is increasing, and Portland State’s Kerri Hamilton is now working to offer Glean to students not registered with disability services.

“Each term more students come to us requesting Glean - it's been great to see how impactful it has been for students!”

Join this webinar to learn how Glean has changed the game for both PSU students and the Disability Resource Center. Moreover, we'll unveil exciting plans to broaden Glean's reach, extending its benefits beyond the realm of disability services.

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a discussion that's reshaping the future of education at Portland State University.

Our panel


Jenna Huckle

Senior Customer Success Manager

Enhancing student success and confidence


of disability services professionals say that improving retention rates is important to their department.


of students say they have become more confident in preparing for exams and tests. 

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