
Boost independent learning with Quiz Me and Scribble

In this session, we showcase new features Scribble and Quiz Me. Also, see how handwritten notes and quizzes integrate into proven note-taking and study processes.

10th April 2024, 12:00PM (US Eastern Time)

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Learners often face a common problem where they struggle to retain key information from classes and course materials. This can mean that gaps in their knowledge often go undetected. 

These knowledge gaps lead to last-minute cramming and a lot of stress, which can have a knock-on effect and jeopardize their grades. 

With the correct support, learners can effectively catch up on class materials and be in a position where they are fully equipped with everything they need to achieve academic success. That's where Quiz Me and Scribble come in.

In our upcoming webinar, you'll get to see how Quiz Me can help break down class content and how it can be used to support flipped learning to pinpoint any gaps in the student's knowledge. 

Many people in our education community have also asked for a way to create handwritten notes: we've listened, and introduced Scribble to Glean. 

With Scribble, users can add handwritten note cards on the mobile app, and view them on the web. They'll have access to various digital pens, pencils, and shapes to create visual notes. This means that even more students, especially STEM learners, can get greater value from Glean.

Get an exclusive look at Scribble and Quiz Me in action, and see how handwritten notes and quizzes integrate into proven note-taking and study processes.

Our panel


Mais Wilsher

Senior Account Executive


Halden Thoseby

Customer Success Executive


Aneesha Aslam

Senior Marketing Executive

What do students say about Glean?

of students say they can better manage information overload using Glean.
of students say that they are a more confident learner.
of students said that Glean helped them achieve better grades.

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